Click. Print. Colour. Learn!

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Colour This!

Man, poor old Alberta sure has been getting some nasty cold weather lately. I noticed it was minus 50 the other day. No wonder the dinosaurs left!

Meech Lake

Some of you might remember Meech Lake as the host of the famous constitutional accord. Well there is that of course but it's also a great big skating rink when the weather cooperates.

Click. Print. Colour. Learn! makes exploring Canada and Canadians fun. Featuring over 230 free colouring pictures & activities for kids and adults alike, plus photographs and videos of "the Great White North". Historical figures and places, sports, flowers, flags, and even maps. Click on the colouring pages links on the right or go straight to the master list of free Canadian, printable, colouring pages. Colourcanada has more detailed adult colouring pictures too! We have awesome and unique Canada inspired t shirts, hats, and art. Perfect as gifts to show off your home and native pride.

Thanks For Visiting

I'm Dave and this is In 2001 (when flash was still cool) I had the idea to build a website where you could print free, Canadian themed colouring pictures, each with a small description, to make learning about Canada fun. Since then colourcanada has been both a hobby and a labour of love... and at times a frustration. No matter what's going on I try to make time to improve and expand the site so check back often, and if nothing has changed, check back again and again!

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Keep Calm and Colour on!