Welcome to colourcanada and CC's Trading Post.

As a teenager I loved to sell t shirts. My friends and I would make a t shirt for any occasion. We used to get chased off of Parliament Hill on Canada Day for selling shirts without a permit. As a young adult I took history at Carleton University because I couldn't get into engineering. These two personality flaws provided the foundation for colourcanada.com.
I love to draw, take pictures and all (many anyways) things creative! From the time that colourcanada.com was first launched in 2001 as a work assignment I dreamt of expanding this little northern corner of the internet to include an e-store where I could share my passion for cheesey, Canadian shirts with you.
Now, the Trading Post is home to a great and growing selection of cheap (the price that is) stock photography, vector drawings for designers and shirts and hats for everyone.
Don't bother paying a buck or two for a small, low resolution photo from another site. Buy the full resolution version and you'll have access to that stock photo for all your needs. Whether it is for web or print, big is always better. At colourcanada you don't need a membership or credits. Pay for what you need when you need it.
Thanks for vistiting!